AgroFarm-2015. Info

Dear Sirs,


AgroFarm will be opening its halls for the ninth year in a row from 3 to 5 February 2015, and offers decision makers, experts and investors a broad international range of products and solutions for efficient animal production.

Due to its leading position in the Russian animal production trade fair landscape, AgroFarm attracts trade visitors from all over the country and neighboring states.

Communicate with your target groups at AgroFarm and
 boost your business in Russia too!


Register by 31 December 2014, using the appropriate application documents.

Further important information:

-       List of exhibitors

-       Latest floor plan

-       Stand rental charges

-       Special offer for Newcomers


Our team is always available to answer any questions and queries you may have:


  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." style="color: rgb(0, 119, 204);" target="_blank">Dr. Olga Hunger 
Tel.: +49 (0)69 24788 – 271

E-Mail: <span id=This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." border="0" height="78" src=";0;5&mode=attachment&bs=96516&bl=2002&ct=image%2fpng&cn=image005.png&cte=binary" style="border: 0px;" v:shapes="_x0000_s1026" width="187" />   Gennady Mindru 
Tel.: +49 (0)69 24788 – 278

Fax: +49 (0) 69 24788 -138   Angelina Laas 
Tel.: +49 (0)69 24788 – 273






Prodekspo-2015. time of changes

"PRODEKSPO-2015": time of changes gives chance to everyone

In the Russian food market time of changes came: owing to sanctions the retail looks for new suppliers in exchange European, and for domestic producers and suppliers new opportunities opened. For this reason the special importance is gained by the Prodekspo-2015 exhibition which will take place in TsVK "Expocentre" on February 9-13, 2015.

The largest exhibition of Russia by the size of exhibition areas, professional interest and coverage of the market, according to the All-Russian rating, "Prodekspo" actually gives start to business activity in the food market.

"On the middle of November 80% of the areas of exhibition complex are contracted, and sales actively proceed. Many companies, despite a difficult economic situation, try to dig up resources to participate, at least with smaller, than usually, the stand", - the head of Management of exhibitions of the food industry of Expocentre Tatyana Piskareva speaks.

By the way, in 2014 the exhibition united 2300 producers of the food and drinks from 64 countries and over 50 thousand unique specialists visitors, more than 100 transnational and Russian retail networks.

For the last year the market underwent serious changes. And changes proceed. Among exhibitors of an exhibition the number of the Russian producers considerably increased, many of which participate for the first time. Interesting prime ministers are expected in salons "Meat and Meat Products", "Dairy products", "Fish and Seafood", "Juice, waters. Soft drinks", the number of the Russian regional collective expositions also increases.

Waiting for tomorrow and in hope for other times the European suppliers try to keep the presence on "Prodekspo". At the same time considerably producers of the Asian countries, the Latin American region became more active.  

"We understand complexity of a situation, - Tatyana Piskareva speaks, - and in return we try to create the most comfortable working conditions for all players of the market as eventually it is about food security and that range of products which will fill counters of the Russian shops".

Exhibition site:

Press service of JSC Expotsentr

Ph.: 8 (495) 605-71-54, 605-68-28

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.