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Managing partner of Prodkontrakt Group Bitko T.N.

Managing partner of Prodkontrakt Group Bitko T.N.

Dear readers! Dear friends! You hold a hot of the "Who is Who in the Meat Market in Russia" edition, edition made by professionals for professionals in hand. Issue of such magazine is an example of information cooperation of mass media, representatives of regional governing bodies, business, scientific and expert community and confirms high mutual interest in collaboration in formation in Russia of the effective meat market. This edition by right can be proud of the objective supply of material, comprehensive illumination of the most difficult questions weighed by an assessment of the occurring events, high level of pithiness of publications and is aimed at distribution of business experience, increase of knowledge of introduction of the innovative mechanisms and decisions stimulating development of branch. In turn I can recommend the "Who is Who in the Meat Market in Russia" magazine as the effective and objective tool of the analysis of a situation in the market of meat and fish production helping to have the finger on the pulse of the events occurring in this branch in Russia and abroad. Prodkontrakt group of companies being the long-term participant of the PRODEKSPO and WorldFood exhibitions, thanks edition for the provided analytics and wishes all good luck in affairs, confidence in the forces, wellbeing, a good health and success in all undertakings. Managing partner of Prodkontrakt Group Bitko T. N.
President of APH

President of APH "MIRATORG" Linnik V. V.

I congratulate staff of "Who is Who in the Meat Market of Russia" magazine on the 10 anniversary! The Russian agro-industrial complex for rather short period of time came to a qualitative and new level of development: the branch attracts large-scale investments and shows multiple increase in production, today in agriculture actively take root advanced technologies, modern principles and methods of management. And the consumer constantly receives new products and services – here the domestic companies already successfully compete with recognized world leaders. The Prodekspo exhibition which became the largest not only in Russia, but also in Eastern Europe, traditionally collects the leading domestic and foreign enterprises, defining the main reference points for development of the food market of the country. The forum opens fine opportunities for interaction, exchange of experience, to adjustment of new direct contacts between the companies working in all segments: from production of food before service and retails. And tendency of growth of the range and increase qualities of foodstuff are confirmed by the potential of agro-industrial sector of economy. I wish to all participants, organizers and guests of the Agroferma-2014 and Prodekspo-2014 exhibitions of successful and fruitful work.
Director of

Director of "Koudays Mkorma" Sazonov M. And

Reputable staff of WHO is WHO magazine! The JSC Koudays Mkorma company sincerely congratulates YOU on a remarkable event – with the first anniversary! Here 10 years YOUR company successfully carries out the activity in the domestic agromarket! We wish YOU that YOU always and for everything had enough forces, patience, health, desire and wisdom! We are sure, ahead of you wait for a lot more new decisions, interesting opening, unique opportunities, and your serious experience, rich knowledge, commitment, confidence in the forces, friendliness and inexhaustible optimism will help YOU to carry out all this! Your friends Koudays Mkorma
Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Fyodorov N. V.

Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Fyodorov N. V.

Dear readers! On behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, I am glad to greet you from pages of the 20th anniversary issue of the "Who is Who in the Meat Market of Russia" magazine. The meat branch is one of the most discussed, especially after Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization. In it there is a number of significant pluses, such as increase of requirements and the quality standards, first of all, to domestic, as well as to the meat production imported from abroad. The quantity and, the main thing, quality of domestic meat raw materials constantly increases. As a result, Russia becomes the sure exporter of fowl, and it pleases. One of strategic objectives – full ensuring internal needs of the Russian Federation with the KRS domestic meat. Purpose difficult, but feasible. Food independence of the country is one of the most important factors of economic stability. In return, I wish to participants of the meat market of stability, growth and prosperity. Separate thanks to the "Who is Who in the Meat Market of Russia" magazine for providing objective information on a situation in meat sector. I congratulate staff of magazine on the 10 anniversary and I wish further fruitful work!



 (Moscow, Russia,  February 07-11)




Exhibitions 2

Climate World-2022

(Moscow, Russia, March 01-04)




Exhibitions 3


(Moscow, Russia, March 15-17)




Who is who + Meatmaker = your guide in the world of food, beverage and agriculture industry!

"Meatmaker" & “Who is who”-   are the journals about domestic & international  commodities and Brands, showing:

·         telephones and addresses;

·         administrative and legal information;

·         assortment information;


of companies deal with meat and poultry, fish,  livestock industry, meat importers, feeds, wholesale organizations specializing in meat products, meat equipment  as well as companies dealing in logistics.  Additionally the catalog presents various analytical and statistical materials, official information, etc.


The format of the  journals is corresponds to world standards of professional publications: full-color illustrations, A4 format, specialized target audience (direct mailing, subscription, distribution at professional exhibitions and events of the sector).


Our mission is to serve a specialized venue for business communication, advertising and PR for companies and enterprises of the aforementioned sectors of Russian economy; to facilitate growth of economically significant networking between Russian companies and to foster their presentation in the eyes of international investors and partners; in the end, to facilitate development of natural and geographic potential of Russian agriculture for transfer to export operations.